Sometimes It Happens

Sometimes It Happens - Lauren Barnholdt Tough book to review. I guess I should've reviewed this one immediately upon finishing, because it wasn't particularly memorable and now I am having trouble remembering certain details. It wasn't a bad book, in fact quite the opposite. It was a quick read and I blew through it and really enjoyed it. The reason why it wasn't memorable is because I have been here before. I have read this story so many times in other novels. Either as a subplot or a novel that was very similar. Take Susane Colasanti's Something Like Fate for example. This has a very similar storyline to that, and I read that first. Obviously that's going to play a large part in how I feel about the book. I've also been reading through some of the reviews (admittedly not thoroughly), but I haven't come across a mention of the two novels' similarities yet. I find that surprising considering they are both young adult contemporary novels. But let's move on to what I do remember about the book. I loved the fact that the main character and her friends had a summer job in a diner. I really enjoyed the setting and I thought the parts of the book that were set there were enjoyable. And I really loved Lacey, Hannah's coworker and friend. She was a bit of a hypochondriac and let me say that I see a little of myself in her. I'm not nearly that bad, but I always jump to worse-case-scenario when something is wrong just like she did. Sometimes we find life lessons in the strangest of places. Truthfully, that's about all I have to say. It was decent, romantic, and sweet. Sometimes it Happens is the perfect summer beach read for when you want something enjoyable but you don't want to have to think too hard. It's one of those books, that a month from now, I won't remember I read at all. It's just that nothing stood out. The characters were okay but not memorable, the plot I have seen before and nothing remarkable or special happens. Just a sweet summer romance. But that doesn't mean I don't recommend it. Sometimes you just gotta read a book like this. And then jump into something more serious. It was good, not great.